So let's introduce also famous coffee that before entering for diet tea, caffeine is included. It is not a diet tea, but coffee is also excellent diet. It is that first there is a degradation effect of lipid and diuretic action that you would like to explain at the time of caffeine. By diuretic effect is good, because us to discharge without having to accumulate in the body the extra waste and moisture. It is effective in swelling in particular. And it is the decomposition of lipid. The burning of fat, in itself does not mean is burned as it is. Disassemble the fat first, I must be burned on it. Time would take to digest for that. fat is likely to mean that burning They will promote the decomposition of lipid by it to caffeine. In addition, components of chlorogenic acid in coffee is also included. This component because it is also component that will promote the breakdown of fat, coffee is not able to help further fat burning. You ask for coffee after a meal when you eat out often is actually there was this reason. I was inspired to promote the burning of fat by drinking coffee after a meal. It is that there is a happy effect in the double fragrance because it is also rich in coffee, so good even to put hot breath after the meal. In addition, you let the activation of burning fat even when you exercise after drinking the coffee. By the way there, such as drip and instant, a variety of how to drink the coffee, but either would have been how to drink the copper said. Instant is useful to be able to drink simple, but effective diet is a drip caffeine has a lot of. More of hot coffee is more effective than ice to the combustion of fat, but it is best drunk in the heat of 80 degrees before and after chlorogenic acid because it is vulnerable to heat.
So let's introduce also famous coffee that before entering for diet tea, caffeine is included. It is not a diet tea, but coffee is also excellent diet. It is that first there is a degradation effect of lipid and diuretic action that you would like to explain at the time of caffeine. By diuretic effect is good, because us to discharge without having to accumulate in the body the extra waste and moisture. It is effective in swelling in particular. And it is the decomposition of lipid. The burning of fat, in itself does not mean is burned as it is. Disassemble the fat first, I must be burned on it. Time would take to digest for that. fat is likely to mean that burning They will promote the decomposition of lipid by it to caffeine. In addition, components of chlorogenic acid in coffee is also included. This component because it is also component that will promote the breakdown of fat, coffee is not able to help further fat burning. You ask for coffee after a meal when you eat out often is actually there was this reason. I was inspired to promote the burning of fat by drinking coffee after a meal. It is that there is a happy effect in the double fragrance because it is also rich in coffee, so good even to put hot breath after the meal. In addition, you let the activation of burning fat even when you exercise after drinking the coffee. By the way there, such as drip and instant, a variety of how to drink the coffee, but either would have been how to drink the copper said. Instant is useful to be able to drink simple, but effective diet is a drip caffeine has a lot of. More of hot coffee is more effective than ice to the combustion of fat, but it is best drunk in the heat of 80 degrees before and after chlorogenic acid because it is vulnerable to heat.