
Let's talk about rooibos as the end of the diet tea being sold in ordinary common. It is a tea that is Rooibos is good for beauty, but it is excellent as a diet tea. It is a tea that native South Africa, but enough to be called a tea of ​​longevity, the effects are highly regarded in the field. All things that I heard it from that or also known as the miracle of tea is now also or would not be many. It was tea that not only South Africa native, is fond of drinking on a daily basis as herbal tea in Europe. In tea, which is a balanced mix mineral, I have a function that activates the cell. Therefore, evaluation is very high is in fair skin measures. And, because it has a function to suppress the active oxygen is said to would aged body, and it is popular as anti-aging. Not only that. For antioxidant activity is high, has the effect arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure, and also lifestyle-related diseases. It is safe in non-caffeine, and stabilize the mind, it is also a tea with a relaxing effect, it is also famous as a tea that will compensate for a comfortable sleep. In addition, because there is the effect that will reduce the alcohol, it is also effective hangover. It is necessary to drink three cups daily degree per day in order to give full play to the effect of these. So if you want to drink as a diet tea, please to drink as a guideline about five cups a day. I think that it is continued around casually if I practice that you can take at mealtimes, and you can take in and break.